Source code for django_auxilium.models.fields.files

Collection of Django custom model field which have something to do with files

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import uuid

from django.db import models

[docs]def random_filename_upload_to(path): """ Get ``upload_to`` compliant method which will always return a random filename. This method can be used as Django's ``FileField`` ``upload_to`` parameter. It returns an ``upload_to`` callable which will make sure the filename will always be random. This method also accepts a ``path`` parameter which will define where relative to the media folder, the file will be stored. Parameters ---------- path : str The path relative to ``media`` where the filename should be uploaded to Returns ------- upload_to : function Django ``FileField``'s ``upload_to`` compliant function """ def f(instance, filename): ext = filename.split('.')[-1] filename = '{0}.{1}'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex, ext) return os.path.join(path, filename) return f
[docs]def original_random_filename_upload_to(path, filename_field): """ Get ``upload_to`` compliant method which will always return a random filename however will also store the original filename in the model. Parameters ---------- path : str The path relative to ``media`` where the filaname should be uploaded to filename_field : str The name of the model attribute to which the original filename should be stored. Returns ------- upload_to : function Django ``FileField``'s ``upload_to`` compliant function """ g = random_filename_upload_to(path) def f(instance, filename): setattr(instance, filename_field, filename) return g(instance, filename) return f
[docs]class RandomFileFieldDeconstructMixin(object): """ Mixin for random filename file mixins which implements Django's ``deconstruct`` to be Django-migrations compatible """
[docs] def deconstruct(self): """ Standard Django's ``deconstruct`` in order to enable migrations support """ name, path, args, kwargs = super(RandomFileFieldDeconstructMixin, self).deconstruct() kwargs.update({ 'upload_to': self.upload_to_path, }) if hasattr(self, 'filename_field') and self.filename_field != 'filename': kwargs.update({ 'filename_field': self.filename_field, }) return name, path, args, kwargs
[docs]class RandomFileNameFileFieldMixin(RandomFileFieldDeconstructMixin): """ Mixing for a custom ``FileField`` which generates random filename Parameters ---------- upload_to : str String where uploaded files should be saved. Within that directory, random filename will always be selected. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert kwargs.get('upload_to') is not None self.upload_to_path = kwargs['upload_to'] kwargs['upload_to'] = random_filename_upload_to(kwargs['upload_to']) super(RandomFileNameFileFieldMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class RandomFileNameWithFilenameFileFieldMixin(RandomFileFieldDeconstructMixin): """ Mixing for a custom ``FileField`` which generates random filename and also stores original filename Parameters ---------- upload_to : str String where uploaded files should be saved. Within that directory, random filename will always be selected. filename_field : str Name of Django model field name where original filename should be stored """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert kwargs.get('upload_to') is not None self.filename_field = kwargs.pop('filename_field', 'filename') self.upload_to_path = kwargs['upload_to'] kwargs['upload_to'] = original_random_filename_upload_to( kwargs['upload_to'], self.filename_field ) super(RandomFileNameWithFilenameFileFieldMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
RandomFileField = type( str('RandomFileField'), (RandomFileNameFileFieldMixin, models.FileField,), {} ) OriginalFilenameRandomFileField = type( str('OriginalFilenameRandomFileField'), (RandomFileNameWithFilenameFileFieldMixin, models.FileField,), {} ) RandomImageField = type( str('RandomImageField'), (RandomFileNameFileFieldMixin, models.ImageField,), {} ) OriginalFilenameRandomImageField = type( str('OriginalFilenameRandomImageField'), (RandomFileNameWithFilenameFileFieldMixin, models.ImageField,), {} )