Source code for django_auxilium.middleware.html

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import MiddlewareNotUsed

from django_auxilium.utils.html import simple_minify

[docs]class MinifyHTMLMiddleware(object): """ Middleware for minifying HTML. Unlike some other minifyers, this minifyer is pretty simple and tried to do the bare minimum in an attempt of being super-lightweight. This middleware only works when ``settings.DEBUG`` is disabled. See Also -------- django_auxilium.utils.html.simple_minify What is used to actually minify HTML """ def __init__(self): if settings.DEBUG: raise MiddlewareNotUsed
[docs] def process_response(self, request, response): """ Process the response by minifying HTML. HTML is minified only when the response content type is HTML (e.g. contains ``'text/html'``). """ header = 'Content-Type' if response.has_header(header) and 'text/html' in response[header]: try: response.content = simple_minify(response.content.strip()) except Exception: pass return response