Source code for django_auxilium.utils.functools.lazy

from __future__ import print_function

import six
from django.utils.functional import Promise

from django_auxilium.utils.functools import Decorator

The list of special methods is compiled from

[docs]class LazyWrapperMeta(type(Promise)): """ Metaclass for ``LazyWrapper`` The reason we need metaclass is because we need to customize some magic methods for ``LazyWrapper`` for particular types while creating class which is what metaclasses are for! This metaclass expects all subclasses of ``LazyWrapper`` to supply ``possible_types`` attribute which this metaclass will use to customize the created class. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): _super = super(LazyWrapperMeta, mcs).__new__ try: LazyWrapper except NameError: # defining LazyWrapper itself return _super(mcs, name, bases, attrs) else: possible_types = attrs.pop('possible_types') name += str('({})'.format(i.__name__ for i in possible_types)) attrs.update(mcs._make_proxy_methods(possible_types)) return _super(mcs, name, bases, attrs) @classmethod def _make_proxy_methods(mcs, possible_types): """ Helper method for creating magic methods for proxy class for specific ``possible_types``. This is necessary because all magic methods of specified ``possible_types`` need to be replaced and since different data-types in Python implement different magic methods, we need to construct a dedicated class for each of the types and cannot simply reuse ``LazyWrapper`` itself. See Also -------- _make_proxy_method That method explains in more detail why private magic methods need to be replaced. """ methods = {} for t in possible_types: for name in SPECIAL_METHODS: if hasattr(t, name) and name not in methods: methods[name] = mcs._make_proxy_method(name) return methods @staticmethod def _make_proxy_method(name): """ This static method helps to create magic proxy methods which need to be overwritten on the proxy lazy class object. This is necessary because not all Python operations call ``__getattribute__``. For example doing ``print(obj)`` never calls ``obj.__getattribute__('__str__')`` but directly gets ``__str__`` which it then calls. Therefore simply overwriting ``__getattribute__`` cant make objects lazy for all of the Python built-in operations and so the only solution is to explicitly replace such magic methods with versions which will evaluate lazy object first. """ def method(self, *args, **kwargs): self._lazy_compute() return getattr(self._lazy_value, name)(*args, **kwargs) method.__name__ = str(name) return method
[docs]class LazyWrapper(six.with_metaclass(LazyWrapperMeta, Promise)): """ Wrapper class for lazy objects as returned by the :py:class:`LazyDecorator` The job of this wrapper is to **not** execute the inner function to get the result until absolutely necessary. For example simply storing a variable will not trigger inner function to be executed until something is done with the variable such as printing it, etc. Parameters ---------- f : def Function which this lazy object wraps args : tuple Tuple of arguments which were passed to the function for execution kwargs : dict Dict of keyword arguments which were passed to the function for execution """ def __init__(self, f, args, kwargs): self._lazy_func = f self._lazy_args = args self._lazy_kwargs = kwargs self._lazy_value = None def _lazy_compute(self): """ Compute the wrapped function and replace this method with noop so that future executions are fast """ self._lazy_value = self._lazy_func(*self._lazy_args, **self._lazy_kwargs) self._lazy_computed = True self._lazy_compute = lambda: True
[docs] def __getattribute__(self, name): """ This method returns only lazy attributes from ``self`` and for everything else returns attribute from the computed lazy object. """ get = lambda x: object.__getattribute__(self, x) # retrieve lazy attributes as normal if name.startswith('_lazy_'): return get(name) # get the attribute from the computed value get('_lazy_compute')() return get('_lazy_value').__getattribute__(name)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, val): """ This method allows to set lazy attributes on ``self`` and for everything else sets them on computed lazy value. """ # set lazy attributes normally if name.startswith('_lazy_'): object.__setattr__(self, name, val) else: self._lazy_compute() setattr(self._lazy_value, name, val)
[docs]class LazyDecorator(Decorator): """ Lazy evaluation decorator. Parameters ---------- types : tuple, list Iterable of possible output data-types of the output of the input function Examples -------- :: >>> lazy = LazyDecorator >>> @lazy([six.string_types, int]) ... def a(bar): ... print('invoking a with {0}'.format(bar)) ... if isinstance(bar, int): ... return bar + 5 ... else: ... return bar + 'foo' >>> l = a('bar') >>> isinstance(l, six.string_types) invoking a with bar True >>> print(l) barfoo >>> l = a(5) >>> isinstance(l, int) invoking a with 5 True >>> print(l) 10 """ def __init__(self, types): self.types = self.get_possible_types(types) self.lazy_wrapper_class = self.get_lazy_wrapper_class()
[docs] def get_possible_types(self, possible_types): """ Get possible types as a list Parameters ---------- possible_types : list, any Either a list of possible types or a single possible type Returns ------- list List of possible types. If the input ``possible_types`` was given as a single possible types, a list with a single item is returned. """ return possible_types if isinstance(possible_types, (list, tuple)) else [possible_types]
[docs] def get_lazy_wrapper_class(self): """ Construct lazy wrapper class for the given possible types Returns ------- type Lazy wrapper class specifically made for the possible types """ return type( str('LazyWrapper'), (LazyWrapper,), {'possible_types': self.types} )
[docs] def get_wrapped_object(self): """ Get the wrapped callable which instead of computing values right away returns a lazy wrapper. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return self.lazy_wrapper_class(self.to_wrap, args, kwargs) return wrapper
lazy = LazyDecorator
[docs]def flazy(f, possible_types): """ Wrapper function for the :py:class:`LazyDecorator` It has the same API as Django's ``lazy`` function so the same code can be reused with this decorator if necessary. Examples -------- :: >>> def f(): ... print('inside f') ... return 5 >>> g = flazy(f, int) >>> h = g() >>> print(str(h)) inside f 5 """ return LazyDecorator(possible_types)(f)